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[God of Destruction] Shiva [God of Destruction] Shiva

Gear--God of Destruction- Shiva Render

Rarity: UR Ultra Rare
Element: Time Time
Cost: 39
Reforge: Reforge Gear Icon 002 Reforge Gear Icon 002
Potential Limit: No
Type: Monster Monster
Basic: 1
Max: 70
Stats: Stats 1 Stats 2
Basic: 2275 2275
Max: 8375 8375
With +99: 8870 8870
Max Unison Chance: 17740
With Class & Shared Traits: Soldier Lancer Archer Mage Cleric Rook Berserker Treasure Hunter
ATK ATK Stat 1 10910 10910 10644 10644 10644 10644 10644 10644
MATK MATK Stat 1 10644 10644 10644 10910 10910 10644 10644 10644
DEF DEF Stat 1 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377
MDEF MDEF Stat 1 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377
ATK ATK Stat 2 10910 10910 10644 10644 10644 10644 10644 10644
MATK MATK Stat 2 10644 10644 10644 10910 10910 10644 10644 10644
DEF DEF Stat 2 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377
MDEF MDEF Stat 2 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377 10377
Element-Elemental Attack Icon Elemental Attack
Fire Water Wind Light Dark Time Star
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Class and Shared Traits Stats do not apply towards Max Unison Chance Stats.


The young man who mastered supreme strength eventually became the god of destruction. Having left behind various legends, the young man took on the role of carrying out "destruction for the sake of regeneration." Despite bearing this role, he watches over the world alongside the goddess of the great peak by his side.

Skills Skills:
  Destruction for Rebirth

How to Obtain: Reforge
Reforge Path:
Reforged From: Shiva Shiva
Reforges Into: N/A
Gold Needed: Gold 60,000 Gold
Reforge Requirements for [God of Destruction] Shiva:

Time Spirit Orb Time Spirit Orb x2, Premium Egg Premium Egg x1, Yellow Passa King Yellow Passa King x1, Purple Passa King Purple Passa King x1

Go to: Monster EncyclopediaUR
Menu-Limipedia Button Limipedia Entry (EnglishJapanese)

Notice: Basic and Max stats for Gear in the Unison League Wikia are from the Encyclopedia section of the game, as information from a player's inventory may have different stats from the Class and Shared Traits applied to the Gear. The game's Encyclopedia do not apply these additional stats.

Some Max Unlock Potential stats in the Wikia are calculated from rough estimates. These are marked with a Template until official Max Unlock Potential stats are given in the game.

The Gear pages are best viewed in Desktop mode.



  • [God of Destruction] Shiva is unique in that its two stats can be chosen by the player upon exchanging the "Shiva" Summoning Scroll for Shiva Shiva and reforging it.
    • The stat combinations that can be chosen are ATK/DEF, DEF/MDEF, ATK/MATK, MATK/DEF, MATK/MDEF, and MDEF/ATK.
  • This Monster Gear is based on Shiva.
