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[Magic Crystal Seal] Sirda [Magic Crystal Seal] Sirda

Gear--Magic Crystal Seal- Sirda Render

Rarity: SSR Super Super Rare
Element: Wind Wind
Cost: 40
Reforge: No
Potential Limit: No
Type: Monster Monster
Basic: 1
Max: 60
Basic: 2210 2210
Max: 7825 7825
With +99: 8320 8320
Max Unison Chance: 16640
With Class & Shared Traits: Soldier Lancer Archer Mage Cleric Rook Berserker Treasure Hunter
ATK ATK 10233 10233 9984 9984 9984 9984 9984 9984
MATK MATK 9984 9984 9984 10233 10233 9984 9984 9984
Element-Elemental Attack Icon Elemental Attack
Fire Water Wind Light Dark Time Star
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Class and Shared Traits Stats do not apply towards Max Unison Chance Stats.



Skills Skills:
  Magic Crystal Seal: Bow
  • Target: all enemies. Ability Power 200. Physical damage (Wind).
    └ Ability Power boosted by 100 for each increase in Skill level.
  • Target: all enemies. Ability Power 200. Magic damage (Wind).
    └ Ability Power boosted by 100 for each increase in Skill level.

How to Obtain: Trophy Mission: Further Awaken the Xenobow Exceed
Gear Awakening Path:
Awakened From: N/A
Awakens Into: [Archer Founder] Sirda [Archer Founder] Sirda
Gold Needed: N/A
Gear Awakening Requirements for [Magic Crystal Seal] Sirda:


Go to: Monster EncyclopediaSSR
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Notice: Basic and Max stats for Gear in the Unison League Wikia are from the Encyclopedia section of the game, as information from a player's inventory may have different stats from the Class and Shared Traits applied to the Gear. The game's Encyclopedia do not apply these additional stats.

Some Max Unlock Potential stats in the Wikia are calculated from rough estimates. These are marked with a Template until official Max Unlock Potential stats are given in the game.

The Gear pages are best viewed in Desktop mode.
