Unison League Wiki

A category page for Monster Gear with Kijin in Unison League.

Monster Gear with Kijin[]

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Ibaraki-doji Ibaraki-doji 50s Self only N/A
[Fiend] Ibaraki-doji [Fiend] Ibaraki-doji 60s Self only Self only
Hiei Hiei 50s Self only N/A
[Sword of the Darkness Flame] Hiei [Sword of the Darkness Flame] Hiei 60s Self only Self only
[Ignis Raja x Unit-02] Asuka [Ignis Raja x Unit-02] Asuka 50s N/A Self only
[The Ten Commandments] Estarossa [The Ten Commandments] Estarossa 50s Self only N/A
Estarossa the Love Estarossa the Love 60s Self only Self only
Fran Fran 50s Self only N/A Burst Skill
[Crimson Enforcer] Fran [Crimson Enforcer] Fran 60s Self only N/A Burst Skill
Virtuous Nobility Virtuous Nobility 50s Self only N/A
[Forbidden Love] Virtuous Nobility [Forbidden Love] Virtuous Nobility 60s Self only Self only
Chu Chu 50s Self only N/A Global UL only
[Demon Alchemist] Chu [Demon Alchemist] Chu 60s Self only Self only Global UL only
Kurama Kurama 30s Self only N/A
[Tengu Tyke] Kurama [Tengu Tyke] Kurama 40s Self only Self only
Yumemi Yumemi 50s Self only N/A
[Roving Princess] Yumemi [Roving Princess] Yumemi 60s Self only Self only
Simon Magus Simon Magus 50s Self only N/A
[Night Storm Sorcerer] Simon Magus [Night Storm Sorcerer] Simon Magus 60s Self only Self only
Jin Jin 50s Self only N/A Global UL only
[Wind Master] Jin [Wind Master] Jin 60s Self only Self only Global UL only
Shuten-doji Shuten-doji 50s Self only N/A
[Fiend] Shuten-doji [Fiend] Shuten-doji 60s Self only N/A
[Inventor] Siegfried [Inventor] Siegfried 50s Self only N/A
[Aviator] Siegfried [Aviator] Siegfried 60s Self only Self only
Cordelia Cordelia 40s Self only N/A
[Summer Romance] Cordelia [Summer Romance] Cordelia 60s Self only Self only
[Demon Girl] Asuka [Demon Girl] Asuka 50s Self only N/A
[Pumpkin] Asuka [Pumpkin] Asuka 60s Self only Self only
Hohenheim Hohenheim 50s Self only N/A
[Extraordinary Alchemist] Hohenheim [Extraordinary Alchemist] Hohenheim 60s Self only Self only
Shishiwakamaru Shishiwakamaru 50s Self only N/A
[Banshee Shriek Sword] Shishiwakamaru [Banshee Shriek Sword] Shishiwakamaru 60s Self only Self only
Baphomet Baphomet 50s Self only N/A Global UL only
[Solid Horn] Baphomet [Solid Horn] Baphomet 60s Self only N/A Global UL only
Noah Noah 50s Self only N/A
[The Chosen One] Noah [The Chosen One] Noah 60s Self only Self only
Scheherazade Scheherazade 50s Self only N/A
[Arabian Nights] Scheherazade [Arabian Nights] Scheherazade 60s Self only Self only
Ava Ava 50s Self only N/A
[Big Queen] Ava [Big Queen] Ava 60s Self only Self only
Yoko Kurama Yoko Kurama 50s Self only N/A
[Ojigi Plant] Yoko Kurama [Ojigi Plant] Yoko Kurama 60s Self only Self only
Urd & Verdandi Urd & Verdandi 50s Self only N/A
[Bountiful Destiny] Urd & Verdandi [Bountiful Destiny] Urd & Verdandi 60s Self only N/A
Shuna Shuna 50s Self only N/A
[Astrologer] Shuna [Astrologer] Shuna 60s Self only N/A
[Fantasy Parade] Phantasia [Fantasy Parade] Phantasia 60s N/A Self only
Momohime Momohime 50s Self only N/A JPUL only
[Fairy] Momohime [Fairy] Momohime 60s Self only Self only JPUL only

All items (50)
