Unison League Wiki

A category page for Monster Gear with MATK Increase in Unison League.

Monster Gear with MATK Increase[]

Name Amount Duration Target Notes
Max UP Max UP
Choco Firemin Choco Firemin 14% N/A 30s All Allies N/A
Big Choco Firemin Big Choco Firemin 14% N/A 45s All Allies N/A
Tealight, Joyful Flame Tealight, Joyful Flame 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Global UL only
Shinatobe, Beach Queen Shinatobe, Beach Queen 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Apollo the Surfer Apollo the Surfer 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Apollo, Wavekiller Apollo, Wavekiller 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Vivi, Sacred Beast Child Vivi, Sacred Beast Child 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies
Salamander Salamander 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Salamander, Dragon Princess Salamander, Dragon Princess 60% 80% 60s All Allies All Allies
Magmamollusc the Sucker Magmamollusc the Sucker 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies
Lana, Dragon Handler Lana, Dragon Handler 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Requires
Fire Element Effect
Lana, Ruby Dragon Princess Lana, Ruby Dragon Princess 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Requires
Fire Element Effect
[激情なる紅玉]焔竜姫ラナ [激情なる紅玉]焔竜姫ラナ 60% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Currently JPUL only
Mikaela Mikaela 100% N/A 100s All Allies N/A
Archangel Mikaela Archangel Mikaela 120% 120% 120s All Allies All Allies
Lowe Lowe 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Night Vacation] Lowe [Night Vacation] Lowe 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Eva-02 RT (F Type) Eva-02 RT (F Type) 40% N/A 40s All Allies N/A
Eva-02 RT (F Type) II Eva-02 RT (F Type) II 50% 50% 50s All Allies All Allies
Archer Archer 20% N/A 50s Self only N/A
[TBB] Archer [TBB] Archer 30% N/A 60s Self only N/A
Ban Ban 20% N/A 50s Self only N/A
[Greed] Ban [Greed] Ban 30% 30% 60s Self only Self only
Elizabeth Elizabeth 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Elizabeth, Glorious Queen Elizabeth, Glorious Queen 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Yunyun Yunyun 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Global UL only
[Self-proclaimed Rival] Yunyun [Self-proclaimed Rival] Yunyun 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies Global UL only
"The One" Escanor "The One" Escanor 120% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Flame Alchemist] Roy Mustang [Flame Alchemist] Roy Mustang 0% 60% 60s N/A All Allies
Choco Watermin Choco Watermin 14% N/A 30s All Allies N/A
Big Choco Watermin Big Choco Watermin 14% N/A 45s All Allies N/A
Santa Flora Santa Flora 10% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Sacred Bloom Flora Sacred Bloom Flora 20% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Yule Kirin Yule Kirin 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Kirin, Beast of Yule Kirin, Beast of Yule 30% 30% 60s All Allies All Allies
Yatagarasu Yatagarasu 90% N/A 70s All Allies N/A
[Sun Guide] Yatagarasu [Sun Guide] Yatagarasu 100% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
Osiris Osiris 100% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
[God of the Underworld] Osiris [God of the Underworld] Osiris 120% 120% 120s All Allies All Allies
Hetei, Sacred Warlord Hetei, Sacred Warlord 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies
Moca, Noble Maid Moca, Noble Maid 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Moca, Love's Servant Moca, Love's Servant 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Tione Hiryute Tione Hiryute 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[AS] Tione Hiryute [AS] Tione Hiryute 40% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Tristan Tristan 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Tristan, Son of Sorrow Tristan, Son of Sorrow 60% 100% 60s All Allies All Allies
[Spear of Longinus] Rei x Unit-00 [Spear of Longinus] Rei x Unit-00 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies
Choco Windmin Choco Windmin 14% N/A 30s All Allies N/A
Big Choco Windmin Big Choco Windmin 14% N/A 45s All Allies N/A
Sakura Mikumin Sakura Mikumin 20% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Cuchulainn Cuchulainn 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Cuchulainn, Wind Hero Cuchulainn, Wind Hero 30% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
Soldier of Clubs Soldier of Clubs 20% N/A 30s All Allies N/A
[Menial] Soldier of Clubs [Menial] Soldier of Clubs 30% N/A 40s All Allies N/A
Gabiru Gabiru 50% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Gilthunder Gilthunder 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Holy Knight] Gilthunder [Holy Knight] Gilthunder 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Sun Wukong Sun Wukong 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Sun Wukong, Wind Tiger Sun Wukong, Wind Tiger 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Forest Dryad Forest Dryad 20% N/A 50s Archer Allies N/A
Forest Guardian Dryad Forest Guardian Dryad 30% 30% 60s Archer Allies All Allies
Robin Hood Robin Hood 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Heroic Outlaw] Robin Hood [Heroic Outlaw] Robin Hood 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Simon Magus Simon Magus 80% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Night Storm Sorcerer] Simon Magus [Night Storm Sorcerer] Simon Magus 100% 100% 60s All Allies All Allies
Younger Toguro Younger Toguro 60% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[80%] Younger Toguro [80%] Younger Toguro 80% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[100%] Younger Toguro [100%] Younger Toguro 100% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Gaia Gaia 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Gaia, Earth Deity Gaia, Earth Deity 30% 50% 90s All Allies All Allies
[Earth Goddess of Creation] Gaia [Earth Goddess of Creation] Gaia 80% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
Eva-01 RT (Vehicle) Eva-01 RT (Vehicle) 20% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Eva-01 RT (Vehicle) II Eva-01 RT (Vehicle) II 30% 30% 60s All Allies All Allies
Sakura Miku Sakura Miku 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Flutter] Sakura Miku [Flutter] Sakura Miku 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Flutter] Sakura Miku [Flutter] Sakura Miku 20% N/A 60s Self only N/A
Ais Wallenstein Ais Wallenstein 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[SP] Ais Wallenstein [SP] Ais Wallenstein 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Erza Scarlet Erza Scarlet 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Titania] Erza Scarlet [Titania] Erza Scarlet 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
[Seven Deadly Sins] Meliodas [Seven Deadly Sins] Meliodas 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Captain] Meliodas [Captain] Meliodas 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Ban and Elaine Ban and Elaine 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Eternal Love] Ban & Elaine [Eternal Love] Ban & Elaine 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Exia Knight Exia Knight 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Dynamis Knight Dynamis Knight 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Choco Lightmin Choco Lightmin 14% N/A 30s All Allies N/A
Big Choco Lightmin Big Choco Lightmin 14% N/A 45s All Allies N/A
Physoth, Sacred Beast Physoth, Sacred Beast 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Physoth, Beastlord Physoth, Beastlord 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Soldier of Diamonds Soldier of Diamonds 20% N/A 30s All Allies N/A
[Menial] Soldier of Diamonds [Menial] Soldier of Diamonds 30% N/A 40s All Allies N/A
Armstrongmin Armstrongmin 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Gate of Babymin Gate of Babymin 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Aladdin Aladdin 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Aladdin, Lamp Master Aladdin, Lamp Master 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Summer Valkyrie Summer Valkyrie 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Midsummer Battle Valkyrie Midsummer Battle Valkyrie 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Mami Tomoe Mami Tomoe 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Magical Girl Mami Tomoe Magical Girl Mami Tomoe 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Global UL only
[Ea] Gilgamesh [Ea] Gilgamesh 20% N/A 50s Self only N/A
[HK Ea] Gilgamesh [HK Ea] Gilgamesh 30% N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Dress] Saber [Dress] Saber 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[White Dress] Saber [White Dress] Saber 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Eva RT8 (Sport) Eva RT8 (Sport) 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Eva RT8 (Sport) II Eva RT8 (Sport) II 30% 30% 60s All Allies All Allies
Saturn Saturn 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Saturn, Generation God Saturn, Generation God 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Darkmin Darkmin 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Big Darkmin Big Darkmin 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Banshee Banshee 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Nemain Nemain 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Choco Darkmin Choco Darkmin 14% N/A 30s All Allies N/A
Big Choco Darkmin Big Choco Darkmin 14% N/A 45s All Allies N/A
Dark Keymin Dark Keymin 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Nereusa Nereusa 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Nereusa, Lambda Nereusa, Lambda 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Dark Bride Yulia Dark Bride Yulia 10% N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Twilight Bride] Yulia [Twilight Bride] Yulia 20% 20% 60s Self only Self only
[Soul Driven] Colossal Aizen [Soul Driven] Colossal Aizen 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Anubis the Protector Anubis the Protector 20% N/A 80s All Allies N/A
Anubis, God of Death Anubis, God of Death 20% 50% 80s All Allies All Allies
Evil Demon God Evil Demon God 20% N/A 50s Mage Allies N/A Missing %
Malicious God of Evil Malicious God of Evil 30% 30% 60s Mage Allies All Allies Missing %
HS Student Joan HS Student Joan 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
HS Senior Prefect Joan HS Senior Prefect Joan 30% 30% 60s All Allies All Allies
[Wrath] Demon Meliodas [Wrath] Demon Meliodas 0% 60% 60s N/A All Allies
Stargod Uranus Stargod Uranus 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Aster Stargod Uranus Aster Stargod Uranus 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Wiz Wiz 100% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Global UL only
[Lich] Wiz [Lich] Wiz 120% 120% 60s All Allies All Allies Global UL only
Brynhildr Brynhildr 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Brynhildr, Dual Lancer Brynhildr, Dual Lancer 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Limimin Tenth Angel Limimin Tenth Angel 20% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Chocolat Chocolat 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Beloved Patissier] Chocolat [Beloved Patissier] Chocolat 30% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Dragoon Cuchulainn Dragoon Cuchulainn 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Sakuya, Sea Child Sakuya, Sea Child 20% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Sakuya, Sea Princess Sakuya, Sea Princess 20% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Takeru Yamato Takeru Yamato 10% N/A 60s Self only N/A
Yamato, Hero Incarnate Yamato, Hero Incarnate 20% 20% 60s Self only All Allies
Hades Hades 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Hades, Netherworld King Hades, Netherworld King 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Tourbillon Tourbillon 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Count Tourbillon Count Tourbillon 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies
Noir Noir 70% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Pure Thoughts] Noir [Pure Thoughts] Noir 80% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Beach House] Sakuya & Thor [Beach House] Sakuya & Thor 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Ultimate Madoka Ultimate Madoka 30% N/A 50s Self only N/A Global UL only
[UPG] Ultimate Madoka [UPG] Ultimate Madoka 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Global UL only
[RQ Parasol] Rei [RQ Parasol] Rei 20% N/A 60s Self only N/A
Leys & Sella Leys & Sella 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Servant] Leys & Sella [Servant] Leys & Sella 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Tellus Tellus 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Tellus, Earth Goddess Tellus, Earth Goddess 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
[State Alchemist] Edward Elric [State Alchemist] Edward Elric 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Fullmetal Alchemist] Edward Elric [Fullmetal Alchemist] Edward Elric 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Cheval Cheval 40% N/A 40s All Allies N/A
Sky Adjudicator, Cheval Sky Adjudicator, Cheval 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Cheval Cheval 40% N/A 40s All Enemies N/A [demerit]
Sky Adjudicator, Cheval Sky Adjudicator, Cheval 50% N/A 50s All Enemies N/A [demerit]
Repti Repti 60% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Repti, Seaside Flower Repti, Seaside Flower 80% 80% 60s All Allies All Allies
Ruutu, Dragon Handler Ruutu, Dragon Handler 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Ruutu, Lapis Lazuli Dragon Princess Ruutu, Lapis Lazuli Dragon Princess 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Ava Ava 100% N/A 100s All Allies N/A
[Big Queen] Ava [Big Queen] Ava 120% 120% 120s All Allies All Allies
[Tap Wonder] Hatsune Miku [Tap Wonder] Hatsune Miku 10% N/A 50s All Enemies N/A [Demerit]
[Aurora Costume] Hatsune Miku [Aurora Costume] Hatsune Miku 20% 20% 60s All Enemies All Enemies [Demerit]
神裂火織 神裂火織 100% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[Salvare000]神裂火織 [Salvare000]神裂火織 100% 100% 60s All Allies All Allies JPUL only
[覚醒]魔法少女 佐倉杏子 [覚醒]魔法少女 佐倉杏子 60% N/A 70s All Allies N/A JPUL only
レム・ラム レム・ラム 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[姉妹従者]レム・ラム [姉妹従者]レム・ラム 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A JPUL only
Yunyun Yunyun 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[Self-proclaimed Rival] Yunyun [Self-proclaimed Rival] Yunyun 30% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies JPUL only
[魔装アモン]アリババ [魔装アモン]アリババ 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies JPUL only
殺生丸 殺生丸 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[矜持]殺生丸 [矜持]殺生丸 60% N/A 60s All Allies N/A JPUL only
マンドラミン マンドラミン 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A JPUL only
Kazuma Kazuma 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[Adventurer] Kazuma [Adventurer] Kazuma 30% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies JPUL only
Magical Girl Mami Tomoe Magical Girl Mami Tomoe 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
Lamia, Divine Luxavian Lamia, Divine Luxavian 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies JPUL only
[世界再構築]魔王ルシファー [世界再構築]魔王ルシファー 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies JPUL only
Wiz Wiz 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[Lich] Wiz [Lich] Wiz 60% N/A 60s All Allies N/A JPUL only
ミカサ ミカサ 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
調査兵団・ミカサ 調査兵団・ミカサ 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A JPUL only

Through All Stats Increase[]

Name Amount Duration Target Notes
Max UP Max UP
Valkyrie Falarn Valkyrie Falarn 30% N/A 120s All Allies N/A
Inferno Valkyrie Inferno Valkyrie 40% 40% 120s All Allies All Allies
Prox Athena Prox Athena 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Athena, Fire of Grace Athena, Fire of Grace 30% 50% 70s All Allies All Allies
Verdandi, Fate Deity Verdandi, Fate Deity 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies
Simone Simone 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Simone the Arbiter Simone the Arbiter 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Simone, Eternal Cycle Simone, Eternal Cycle 50% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Flame Beast] Bolvelgr [Flame Beast] Bolvelgr 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies
Scorching Colossus, Surtr Scorching Colossus, Surtr 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies
Espada Espada 30% N/A 50s All Allies
(If used by
Lancer or Berserker)
[Knight's Honor] Espada [Knight's Honor] Espada 40% 40% 60s All Allies
(If used by
Lancer or Berserker)
All Allies
Momohime Momohime 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Global UL only
[Fairy] Momohime [Fairy] Momohime 50% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Global UL only
Fran Fran 80% N/A 70s All Allies N/A Burst Skill
[Crimson Enforcer] Fran [Crimson Enforcer] Fran 80% N/A 90s All Allies N/A Burst Skill
Arthur Arthur 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[New King] Arthur [New King] Arthur 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Yukata Miku Yukata Miku 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Elegance] Yukata Miku [Elegance] Yukata Miku 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Patty Marie Patty Marie 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Patty Rosemarie Patty Rosemarie 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Rei x Asuka Rei x Asuka 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Synced] Rei x Asuka [Synced] Rei x Asuka 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
[Inherited Will] Rimuru Tempest [Inherited Will] Rimuru Tempest 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Ruler] Rimuru Tempest [Ruler] Rimuru Tempest 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Wind Empress, Dies Wind Empress, Dies 35% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
Valkyrie Raakyie Valkyrie Raakyie 30% N/A 120s All Allies N/A
Aqua Valkyrie Aqua Valkyrie 40% 40% 120s All Allies All Allies
Snow White Snow White 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Snow White, Ice Mirror Snow White, Ice Mirror 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Urd, Fate Deity Urd, Fate Deity 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies
Illyasviel Illyasviel 40% N/A 40s Self only N/A
[Master] Illyasviel [Master] Illyasviel 40% N/A 50s Self only N/A
Lieryl Lieryl 30% N/A 100s All Allies N/A
Lieryl, Archangel Lieryl, Archangel 40% 40% 120s All Allies All Allies
Mercury, Holy Night's Crystal Mercury, Holy Night's Crystal 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Mercury, Silver Visitor Mercury, Silver Visitor 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Airi and Hawkmin Airi and Hawkmin 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Makeover] Airi and Hawkmin [Makeover] Airi and Hawkmin 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Mortal Sin Belzura Mortal Sin Belzura 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Mortal Sin of Gluttony Belzura Mortal Sin of Gluttony Belzura 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Dies, the Wind Spirit Dies, the Wind Spirit 30% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
Valkyrie Veere Valkyrie Veere 30% N/A 120s All Allies N/A
Cyclone Valkyrie Cyclone Valkyrie 40% 40% 120s All Allies All Allies
Skuld, Fate Deity Skuld, Fate Deity 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies
Freya Freya 30% N/A 50s All Allies
(If used by
Archer or Treasure Hunter)
[Beauty and Fertility] Freya [Beauty and Fertility] Freya 40% 40% 60s All Allies
(If used by
Archer or Treasure Hunter)
All Allies
Madoka Kaname Madoka Kaname 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Global UL only
Magical Girl Madoka Kaname Magical Girl Madoka Kaname 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Global UL only
Emilia, Dreamy Magic Emilia, Dreamy Magic 15% N/A 80s All Allies N/A
Emilia, Lovewitch Emilia, Lovewitch 20% 30% 80s All Allies All Allies
Hatsune Miku Hatsune Miku 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[V3] Hatsune Miku [V3] Hatsune Miku 40% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Eva Unit 08 Eva Unit 08 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Eva-08 Production Model Eva-08 Production Model 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Wendy Marvell Wendy Marvell 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[SM] Wendy Marvell [SM] Wendy Marvell 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Anemoi Anemoi 30% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
Anemoi, Goddess of the Wind Anemoi, Goddess of the Wind 40% 40% 120s All Allies All Allies
Valkyrie Valkyrie 30% N/A 120s All Allies N/A
Battle Valkyrie Battle Valkyrie 40% 40% 120s All Allies All Allies
[Coaxed Annihilation] Valkyrie [Coaxed Annihilation] Valkyrie 50% N/A 120s All Allies N/A
Chibi Light Valkyrie Chibi Light Valkyrie 35% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
Luminous Valkyrie Luminous Valkyrie 45% 60% 90s All Allies All Allies
Thor, Divine Guardian Thor, Divine Guardian 30% N/A 60s Self only N/A
Thor, God of Thunder Thor, God of Thunder 40% 40% 60s Self only Self only
Yuria, Bride of Dawn Yuria, Bride of Dawn 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies
[Affinity] Lightness Yuria [Affinity] Lightness Yuria 50% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
T-48 Satella T-48 Satella 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Rampage] T-48 Satella [Rampage] T-48 Satella 30% 30% 60s All Allies All Allies
Guinevere Guinevere 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Smiling Maiden] Guinevere [Smiling Maiden] Guinevere 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Botan Botan 20% N/A 50s Self only N/A
[Spirit World Guide] Botan [Spirit World Guide] Botan 40% 40% 60s Self only Self only
[Celebration] 5th Parade Limi [Celebration] 5th Parade Limi 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies
Arthur, Divine Knight Arthur, Divine Knight 0% 30% 60s N/A All Allies
Shirou Emiya Shirou Emiya 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Mage] Shirou Emiya [Mage] Shirou Emiya 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Party Trick] Maid Aqua [Party Trick] Maid Aqua 0% 50% 60s N/A All Allies Global UL only
Romeo Romeo 50% N/A 30s All Allies N/A
[Thinking of Her] Romeo [Thinking of Her] Romeo 60% 60% 40s All Allies All Allies
Detective Holmes Detective Holmes 40% N/A 40s Self only N/A
Holmes, Promising Successor Holmes, Promising Successor 50% 50% 50s Self only All Allies
[RQ] Asuka x Mari [RQ] Asuka x Mari 30% 30% 60s Self only Self only
[Affinity] Darkness Yulia [Affinity] Darkness Yulia 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Valkyrie Nikyt Valkyrie Nikyt 30% N/A 120s All Allies N/A
Eclipse Valkyrie Eclipse Valkyrie 40% 40% 120s All Allies All Allies
Skotos Athena Skotos Athena 15% N/A 80s All Allies N/A
Athena, Dark Grace Athena, Dark Grace 20% 40% 80s All Allies All Allies
[Austere] Queen of Hearts [Austere] Queen of Hearts 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies
Hohenheim Hohenheim 50% N/A 80s All Allies N/A
[Extraordinary Alchemist] Hohenheim [Extraordinary Alchemist] Hohenheim 60% 60% 90s All Allies All Allies
Emilia, Tyro Witch Emilia, Tyro Witch 15% N/A 80s All Allies N/A Duration not noted
in Global UL
Emilia, Hallowitch Emilia, Hallowitch 20% 30% 80s All Allies All Allies Duration not noted
in Global UL
Homura Akemi (Final Ver Homura Akemi (Final Ver.) 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Global UL only
[UL] Homura Akemi (Final Ver [UL] Homura Akemi (Final Ver.) 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Global UL only
Loki, the Trickster Loki, the Trickster 30% N/A 60s Self only N/A
Loki, Jesting Demise Loki, Jesting Demise 40% 40% 60s Self only Self only
Mischievous Mary Mischievous Mary 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Mary, Twilight Princess Mary, Twilight Princess 20% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Hendrickson Hendrickson 30% N/A 60s All Allies N/A Currently JPUL only
[Demon] Hendrickson [Demon] Hendrickson 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Feline Kagamine Len Feline Kagamine Len 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Ameowzing] Feline Kagamine Len [Ameowzing] Feline Kagamine Len 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
[Wings of Salvation] Lucifer [Wings of Salvation] Lucifer 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Enomis the Purger Enomis the Purger 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies
Enomis, Eternal Flow Enomis, Eternal Flow 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Filo Filo 20% N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Allure, Dragon Handler Allure, Dragon Handler 20% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Requires
Time Element Effect
Allure, Beloved Dragon Princess Allure, Beloved Dragon Princess 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Requires
Time Element Effect
Genkai Genkai 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A Global UL only
[Spirit Master] Genkai [Spirit Master] Genkai 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies Global UL only
Zero Valkyrie Zero Valkyrie 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Architect Valkyrie Architect Valkyrie 40% 40% 60s All Allies All Allies
Armo Armo 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
Armo the Exorcist Armo the Exorcist 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
[Glorious Blossoms] Ouka [Glorious Blossoms] Ouka 0% 20% 60s N/A All Allies
Stellar Limi Stellar Limi 10% N/A 40s All Allies N/A
Stellar Limi Stellar Limi 10% N/A 40s All Enemies N/A [demerit]
[Rogue Leader] Arthur [Rogue Leader] Arthur 0% 50% 60s N/A All Allies
Valkyrie Aster Valkyrie Aster 60% N/A 90s All Allies N/A
Star Guide Valkyrie Star Guide Valkyrie 80% 80% 120s All Allies All Allies
Awayuki Awayuki 30% N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Silent Silver Blizzard] Awayuki [Silent Silver Blizzard] Awayuki 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies
Momohime Momohime 50% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[Fairy] Momohime [Fairy] Momohime 60% 60% 60s All Allies All Allies JPUL only
鹿目まどかxキュゥみん 鹿目まどかxキュゥみん 30% N/A 50s Self only N/A JPUL only
[出会い]鹿目まどかxキュゥみん [出会い]鹿目まどかxキュゥみん 40% 40% 60s Self only Self only JPUL only
アイリxルルハ アイリxルルハ 30% N/A 50s Self only N/A JPUL only
[強力タッグ]アイリxルルハ [強力タッグ]アイリxルルハ 40% 40% 60s Self only Self only JPUL only
[邪の化身]白面の者 [邪の化身]白面の者 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A JPUL only
Madoka Kaname Madoka Kaname 30% N/A 70s All Allies N/A JPUL only
Magical Girl Madoka Kaname Magical Girl Madoka Kaname 40% N/A 70s All Allies N/A JPUL only
モルジアナ モルジアナ 40% N/A 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
[炎翼鉄鎖]モルジアナ [炎翼鉄鎖]モルジアナ 40% 40% 60s Self only All Allies JPUL only
[日常の華]エミリア [日常の華]エミリア 40% N/A 60s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[ルフ]アラジン [ルフ]アラジン 0% 40% 60s N/A All Allies JPUL only
Genkai Genkai 40% N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[Spirit Master] Genkai [Spirit Master] Genkai 50% 50% 60s All Allies All Allies JPUL only

Through Awakening[]

MATK Increase Amount is at 50% through All Stats Increase included in this Status Buff.

Name Succ. Value Duration Target Notes
Max UP Max UP
Simone Simone 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A Duration not noted
in Global UL
Simone the Arbiter Simone the Arbiter 100 100 60s Self only Self only Duration not noted
in Global UL
Simone, Eternal Cycle Simone, Eternal Cycle 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Momohime Momohime 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A Global UL only
[Fairy] Momohime [Fairy] Momohime 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A Global UL only
Great Hero Milim Great Hero Milim 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Glorious Tyrant Milim Glorious Tyrant Milim 100 100 60s Self only All Allies
Karasu Karasu 100 N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Quest Class] Karasu [Quest Class] Karasu 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
[オクタノヴァ]マヴェルス [オクタノヴァ]マヴェルス 0 100 60s N/A Self only Currently JPUL only
Megumin Megumin 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Archwizard] Megumin [Archwizard] Megumin 100 100 60s Self only Self only
Nitocris Nitocris 100 N/A 50s Self only N/A Duration not noted
in Global UL
[Final Pharaoh] Nitocris [Final Pharaoh] Nitocris 100 100 60s Self only Self only Duration not noted
in Global UL
Mercury Mercury 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Mercury, Guidance God Mercury, Guidance God 100 100 60s Self only Self only
[Warrior in the Mist] Shion [Warrior in the Mist] Shion 100 N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Mist-Shrouded Warrior] Shion [Mist-Shrouded Warrior] Shion 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
[Great Spirit Blessing] Kaworu [Great Spirit Blessing] Kaworu 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Undine x Mark [Undine x Mark.06] Kaworu 100 100 60s Self only All Allies
[Ordeal] King & Diane [Ordeal] King & Diane 100 N/A 50s Self only N/A
[Promise] King & Diane [Promise] King & Diane 100 100 60s Self only Self only
Mercury, Holy Night's Crystal Mercury, Holy Night's Crystal 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A Duration not noted
in Global UL
Mercury, Silver Visitor Mercury, Silver Visitor 100 100 60s Self only Self only Duration not noted
in Global UL
Gobtamin Gobtamin 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Shefia Shefia 100 N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Forest Delivery Girl] Shefia [Forest Delivery Girl] Shefia 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
[Great Spirit Blessing] Mari [Great Spirit Blessing] Mari 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Veluda x Provisional Unit-05] Mari [Veluda x Provisional Unit-05] Mari 100 100 60s Self only All Allies
[The Ten Commandments] Gloxinia [The Ten Commandments] Gloxinia 100 N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Gloxinia the Repose Gloxinia the Repose 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
Shinji x Kaworu Shinji x Kaworu 100 N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Synced] Shinji x Kaworu [Synced] Shinji x Kaworu 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
[Ahura Mazda x Unit-00] Rei [Ahura Mazda x Unit-00] Rei 0 100 60s N/A All Allies
[Loved One] Ban and Elaine [Loved One] Ban and Elaine 100 N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Fairy Wings] Ban and Elaine [Fairy Wings] Ban and Elaine 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
Galileo Galileo 100 N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Galileo the Observer Galileo the Observer 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
Romeo Romeo 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A Duration not noted
in Global UL
[Thinking of Her] Romeo [Thinking of Her] Romeo 100 100 60s Self only Self only Duration not noted
in Global UL
[Friendship] King [Friendship] King 0 100 (?)s N/A Self only Duration not noted
in both Versions
Elric Brothers Elric Brothers 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Brotherly Bond] Ed & Al [Brotherly Bond] Ed & Al 100 100 60s Self only All Allies
Lady Diritas Lady Diritas 60 N/A 60s All Allies N/A Duration not noted
in Global UL
[Gambler] Lady Diritas [Gambler] Lady Diritas 70 70 60s All Allies All Allies Duration not noted
in Global UL
[Shadow Dancer] Garo [Shadow Dancer] Garo 0 100 60s N/A All Allies Currently JPUL only
[影に舞うユスラウメ]牙櫻 -ULC2019ver- [影に舞うユスラウメ]牙櫻 -ULC2019ver- 0 100 60s N/A All Allies Currently JPUL only
Palvyti Palvyti 100 N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Sierra Goddess] Palvyti [Sierra Goddess] Palvyti 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
[Great Spirit Blessing] Shinji [Great Spirit Blessing] Shinji 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Izanami x Unit-01] Shinji [Izanami x Unit-01] Shinji 100 100 60s Self only All Allies
Napoleon Napoleon 100 N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Napoleon, Cavalier of Abyss Napoleon, Cavalier of Abyss 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
Limimin x Unit-01 Limimin x Unit-01 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Eva-01 Semi-Awakened Eva-01 Semi-Awakened 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Eva-01 Awakened Eva-01 Awakened 100 100 60s Self only Self only
Enomis Enomis 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A Duration not noted
in Global UL
Enomis the Purger Enomis the Purger 100 100 60s Self only Self only Duration not noted
in Global UL
Enomis, Eternal Flow Enomis, Eternal Flow 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Scepter Wielder Vermis Scepter Wielder Vermis 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Scepter Master Vermis Scepter Master Vermis 100 100 60s Self only Self only
King of the Fairies, King King of the Fairies, King 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Sloth] King of the Fairies, King [Sloth] King of the Fairies, King 100 100 60s Self only Self only
Pseudo DMS Evo Pseudo DMS Evo. 3 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Pseudo DMS Evo Pseudo DMS Evo. 3+ 100 100 60s Self only Self only
Sweets Witch Sweets Witch 100 N/A (?)s Self only N/A Global UL only,
Duration not noted
[Glottony] Sweets Witch [Glottony] Sweets Witch 100 N/A (?)s Self only N/A Global UL only,
Duration not noted
10th Hatsune Miku 10th Hatsune Miku 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Re:Start] 10th Hatsune Miku [Re:Start] 10th Hatsune Miku 100 100 60s Self only Self only
Bell Cranel Bell Cranel 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
[Adventurer] Bell Cranel [Adventurer] Bell Cranel 100 100 60s Self only Self only
Mortal Sin Revere Mortal Sin Revere 100 N/A 60s All Allies N/A
Mortal Sin of Envy Revere Mortal Sin of Envy Revere 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
Aquarius Aquarius 100 N/A 50s All Allies N/A Duration not noted
in Global UL
[The Water Bearer] Aquarius [The Water Bearer] Aquarius 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies Duration not noted
in Global UL
Sweet Tooth Loki Sweet Tooth Loki 100 N/A 50s All Allies N/A
God of Sweets Loki [Vt God of Sweets Loki [Vt.] 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
Sword Wielder Luis Sword Wielder Luis 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A
Sword Master Luis Sword Master Luis 100 100 60s Self only Self only
Yoko Kurama Yoko Kurama 100 N/A 50s All Allies N/A
[Ojigi Plant] Yoko Kurama [Ojigi Plant] Yoko Kurama 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
[New Resolve] Mari [New Resolve] Mari 100 N/A 60s All Allies N/A
[Combat Mode] Mari [Combat Mode] Mari 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies
[覚醒]魔法少女 佐倉杏子 [覚醒]魔法少女 佐倉杏子 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
レム・ラム レム・ラム 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
[姉妹従者]レム・ラム [姉妹従者]レム・ラム 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
犬夜叉 犬夜叉 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
[半妖]犬夜叉 [半妖]犬夜叉 100 100 60s Self only Self only JPUL only
Urameshi Yusuke Urameshi Yusuke 100 N/A 50s Self only N/A JPUL only
[Spirit Wave Successor] Yusuke [Spirit Wave Successor] Yusuke 100 100 60s Self only Self only JPUL only
怪盗キッド 怪盗キッド 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
[芸術的犯行]怪盗キッド [芸術的犯行]怪盗キッド 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
ジョー ジョー 100 N/A 50s All Allies N/A JPUL only
[闇を超克せし]ジョー [闇を超克せし]ジョー 100 100 60s All Allies All Allies JPUL only
Genkai Genkai 100 N/A 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
[Spirit Master] Genkai [Spirit Master] Genkai 100 100 60s Self only Self only JPUL only

Through Dark Element Effect[]

An additional MATK Increase Amount varies at 20-50% depending on the Unison Attack Level through All Stats Increase included in this Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Charlotte Charlotte 120s Allied Field N/A
[Demonic Eye] Charlotte [Demonic Eye] Charlotte 120s Allied Field Allied Field
[Amethyst Smoke] Sagiri [Amethyst Smoke] Sagiri 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Mitsuhide Mitsuhide 120s Allied Field N/A
Mitsuhide, Dark Commander Mitsuhide, Dark Commander 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Dawn[]

MATK Increase Amount is at 100% through All Stats Increase included in this Status Effect.

Through the Dawn Status Effect, it is not a [Demerit] Effect, as the All Stats Increase included in it targets an ally target. It is noted as a [Demerit] Effect due to the other Effects included in the Status Effect.

Additionally, the MATK Increase included in this Status Effect do not count towards the stack limit.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Melt Melt 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Spring Flower Bud] Melt [Spring Flower Bud] Melt 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Rosenkreutz Rosenkreutz 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Rose Knight] Rosenkreutz [Rose Knight] Rosenkreutz 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]

Through Einzebern's Alchemy[]

Gear-Flag of Japan Render
This Article or File contains content that is currently exclusive to the Japanese version of Unison League, and has not yet been released onto the global version of the game.

Some of the information may be inaccurate or is likely to change, and it is currently unknown whether or not the content will be released into the global version of the game.

MATK Increase Amount is at 40% through All Stats Increase included in this Status Buff.

Name Duration Target Notes
Illyasviel Illyasviel 40 seconds Self only JPUL only
[Master] Illyasviel [Master] Illyasviel 50 seconds Self only JPUL only

Through Element of Destiny[]

ATK Increase Amount is at 50% through All Stats Increase included in this Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Urd & Verdandi Urd & Verdandi 120s Allied Field N/A
[Bountiful Destiny] Urd & Verdandi [Bountiful Destiny] Urd & Verdandi 120s Allied Field N/A
[Stigma] Meliodas & Elizabeth [Stigma] Meliodas & Elizabeth 120s Allied Field N/A
[3000 Years Ago] Meliodas & Elizabeth [3000 Years Ago] Meliodas & Elizabeth 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Fire Element Effect[]

An additional MATK Increase Amount varies at 20-50% depending on the Unison Attack Level through All Stats Increase included in this Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
[Pure Crimson Sun] Miharu [Pure Crimson Sun] Miharu 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Prometheus Prometheus 120s Allied Field N/A
Prometheus, Wielder of Flaming Fist Prometheus, Wielder of Flaming Fist 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Fran Fran 120s Allied Field N/A
[Crimson Enforcer] Fran [Crimson Enforcer] Fran 120s Allied Field N/A
Yukimura Yukimura 120s Allied Field N/A
Yukimura, Blaze Commander Yukimura, Blaze Commander 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Hero[]

Through the Hero Status Effect, it is not a [Demerit] Effect, as the All Stats Increase included in it targets an ally target. It is noted as a [Demerit] Effect due to the other Effects included in the Status Effect.

Additionally, the All Stats Increase included in this Status Buff do not count towards the stack limit.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Siegfried Siegfried 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Siegfried, Heroic Dragon Tamer Siegfried, Heroic Dragon Tamer 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Lancer Founder] Bistiega [Lancer Founder] Bistiega 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Karasu Karasu 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Quest Class] Karasu [Quest Class] Karasu 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Percival Percival 40s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Inferno Princess] Percival [Inferno Princess] Percival 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Suzaku Suzaku 30s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Five Sacred Beasts] Suzaku [Five Sacred Beasts] Suzaku 40s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Alexander Alexander 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Conqueror] Alexander the Great [Conqueror] Alexander the Great 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Atui Atui 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Possessed Maiden] Atui [Possessed Maiden] Atui 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Mani Mani 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Ruler of the Moon] Mani [Ruler of the Moon] Mani 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Warrior in the Mist] Shion [Warrior in the Mist] Shion 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Mist-Shrouded Warrior] Shion [Mist-Shrouded Warrior] Shion 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Soldier Founder] Odinia [Soldier Founder] Odinia 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Urameshi Yusuke Urameshi Yusuke 50s Self only N/A [Demerit], Global UL only
[Spirit Wave Successor] Yusuke [Spirit Wave Successor] Yusuke 60s Self only Self only [Demerit], Global UL only
[Young Soul] Teach & Wolf [Young Soul] Teach & Wolf 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Children's Day] Teach & Wolf [Children's Day] Teach & Wolf 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Young Soul] Tyr [Young Soul] Tyr 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Children's Day] Tyr [Children's Day] Tyr 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Ariel Ariel 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Archangel Ariel Archangel Ariel 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Ranga & Rimuru Ranga & Rimuru 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Staunch Duo] Ranga & Rimuru [Staunch Duo] Ranga & Rimuru 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Archer Founder] Sirda [Archer Founder] Sirda 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[The Ten Commandments] Gloxinia [The Ten Commandments] Gloxinia 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Gloxinia the Repose Gloxinia the Repose 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Lancelot Lancelot 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Knight of the Lake] Lancelot [Knight of the Lake] Lancelot 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Titania Titania 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Spirit Queen] Titania [Spirit Queen] Titania 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Cleric Founder] Anjyu [Cleric Founder] Anjyu 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Mew Mew 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Gates of the Underworld] Mew [Gates of the Underworld] Mew 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Charlotte Charlotte 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Demonic Eye] Charlotte [Demonic Eye] Charlotte 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Palvyti Palvyti 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Sierra Goddess] Palvyti [Sierra Goddess] Palvyti 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Mage Founder] Oyul [Mage Founder] Oyul 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Odin Odin 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Odin, God of Gods Odin, God of Gods 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Young Soul] Yashamaru [Young Soul] Yashamaru 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Children's Day] Yashamaru [Children's Day] Yashamaru 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Heimdall Heimdall 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Silver-Armored Guard] Heimdall [Silver-Armored Guard] Heimdall 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Young Heart] Mitsunari [Young Heart] Mitsunari 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Children's Day] Mitsunari [Children's Day] Mitsunari 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Genkai Genkai 60s Self only N/A [Demerit], Global UL only
[Spirit Master] Genkai [Spirit Master] Genkai 60s Self only Self only [Demerit], Global UL only
Moses Moses 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Bellwether] Moses [Bellwether] Moses 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Laevateinn Laevateinn 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Goddess of Victory] Laevateinn [Goddess of Victory] Laevateinn 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Ieyasu Ieyasu 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Ieyasu, Tosho Daigongen Ieyasu, Tosho Daigongen 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
リーザ リーザ 50s Self only N/A [Demerit], JPUL only
[ログレス王国騎士団]リーザ [ログレス王国騎士団]リーザ 60s Self only Self only [Demerit], JPUL only

Through Hero King's Authority[]

MATK Increase Amount is at 20% through All Stats Increase included in this Status Buff.

Name Duration Target Notes
[Ea] Gilgamesh [Ea] Gilgamesh 50s All Allies
[HK Ea] Gilgamesh [HK Ea] Gilgamesh 60s All Allies

Through Light Element Effect[]

40% MATK Increase is included in this particular Field Effect. An additional MATK Increase Amount varies at 20-50% depending on the Unison Attack Level through All Stats Increase included in this Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Chopin Chopin 120s Allied Field N/A
Chopin, Performer of Light Chopin, Performer of Light 120s Allied Field Allied Field
[Savage Thunder] Kannari [Savage Thunder] Kannari 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Kenshin Kenshin 120s Allied Field N/A
Kenshin, Light Commander Kenshin, Light Commander 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Prosperity[]

Every 10 Seconds[]

Name Amount Duration Target Notes
Max UP Prosperity ASI
[Seven Deadly Sins] Escanor [Seven Deadly Sins] Escanor 30% N/A 30s 60s All Allies
[Pride] Escanor [Pride] Escanor 30% 30% 40s 60s All Allies
Chu Chu 20% N/A 50s 60s All Allies
[Demon Alchemist] Chu [Demon Alchemist] Chu 20% 20% 60s 60s All Allies
[The Ten Commandments] Derieri [The Ten Commandments] Derieri 20% N/A 30s 60s All Allies
Derieri the Purity Derieri the Purity 20% 20% 40s 60s All Allies
Goddess Eris Goddess Eris 20% N/A 40s 60s All Allies Global UL only
[Goddess of Fortune] Eris [Goddess of Fortune] Eris 20% 20% 50s 60s All Allies Global UL only
Tsukiyomi Tsukiyomi 20% N/A 30s 60s All Allies
Tsukiyomi, Moonlight Goddess Tsukiyomi, Moonlight Goddess 20% 20% 40s 60s All Allies
[Tragic Prince] Kero=Lihito [Tragic Prince] Kero=Lihito 20% 20% 40s 60s All Allies
[Frog Prince] Kero=Lihito [Frog Prince] Kero=Lihito 20% 20% 40s 60s All Allies
Aldebaran Aldebaran 20% N/A 50s 60s All Allies
[Fortune Star] Aldebaran [Fortune Star] Aldebaran 30% 30% 60s 60s All Allies
Alice & Tourbillon Alice & Tourbillon 20% N/A 50s 60s All Allies
[Touring] Alice & Tourbillon [Touring] Alice & Tourbillon 20% N/A 60s 60s All Allies
[Tap Wonder] Hatsune Miku [Tap Wonder] Hatsune Miku 20% N/A 50s 60s All Allies
[Aurora Costume] Hatsune Miku [Aurora Costume] Hatsune Miku 20% 20% 60s 60s All Allies

Through Senpai♪[]

MATK Increase Amount is at 40% through All Stats Increase included in this Status Buff.

Name Duration Target Notes
Sakura Matou Sakura Matou 50s Self only
[Kawaii Kouhai] Sakura [Kawaii Kouhai] Sakura 60s Self only

Through Seraphic Element Effect[]

40% MATK Increase through All Stats Increase is included in this particular Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Ariel Ariel 120s Allied Field N/A
Archangel Ariel Archangel Ariel 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Valkyrie Aster Valkyrie Aster 120s Allied Field N/A
Star Guide Valkyrie Star Guide Valkyrie 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Star Element Effect[]

40% MATK Increase is included in this particular Field Effect. An additional MATK Increase Amount varies at 20-50% depending on the Unison Attack Level through All Stats Increase included in this Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Laevateinn Laevateinn 120s Allied Field N/A
[Goddess of Victory] Laevateinn [Goddess of Victory] Laevateinn 120s Allied Field Allied Field
[Silent Silver Blizzard] Awayuki [Silent Silver Blizzard] Awayuki 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Ieyasu Ieyasu 120s Allied Field N/A
Ieyasu, Tosho Daigongen Ieyasu, Tosho Daigongen 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Time Element Effect[]

30% MATK Increase through All Stats Increase is included in this particular Field Effect. An additional MATK Increase Amount varies at 20-50% depending on the Unison Attack Level through All Stats Increase included in this Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Mitsunari Mitsunari 120s Allied Field N/A
Mitsunari, Sawayama Fox Mitsunari, Sawayama Fox 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Floria Floria 120s Allied Field N/A
[Fluttering Butterfly] Floria [Fluttering Butterfly] Floria 120s Allied Field N/A
[Silent Sea of Clouds] Donten [Silent Sea of Clouds] Donten 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Water Element Effect[]

40% MATK Increase is included in this particular Field Effect. An additional MATK Increase Amount varies at 20-50% depending on the Unison Attack Level through All Stats Increase included in this Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Mani Mani 120s Allied Field N/A
[Ruler of the Moon] Mani [Ruler of the Moon] Mani 120s Allied Field Allied Field
[Rain of Sorrow] Amayo [Rain of Sorrow] Amayo 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Shingen Shingen 120s Allied Field N/A
Shingen, Water Commander Shingen, Water Commander 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Wind Element Effect[]

40% MATK Increase is included in this particular Field Effect. An additional MATK Increase Amount varies at 20-50% depending on the Unison Attack Level through All Stats Increase included in this Field Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
[Raging Winds] Seiran [Raging Winds] Seiran 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Simon Magus Simon Magus 120s Allied Field N/A
[Night Storm Sorcerer] Simon Magus [Night Storm Sorcerer] Simon Magus 120s Allied Field Allied Field
Ranmaru Ranmaru 120s Allied Field N/A
Ranmaru, Wind Warlord Ranmaru, Wind Warlord 120s Allied Field Allied Field

Through Beast[]

MATK Increase Amount included in this Status Buff is at 60%.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Espada Espada 60s Self only N/A
[Knight's Honor] Espada [Knight's Honor] Espada 60s Self only Self only
[Great Spirit Blessing] Asuka [Great Spirit Blessing] Asuka 50s Self only N/A
[Ignis Raja x Unit-02] Asuka [Ignis Raja x Unit-02] Asuka 60s Self only All Allies
Eva-02 Beast Mode Evo Eva-02 Beast Mode Evo. 4 50s Self only N/A
[UPG] Beast Mode Evo [UPG] Beast Mode Evo. 4 60s Self only Self only
Bastet, Sand Dasher Bastet, Sand Dasher 50s Self only N/A
Bastet, Ruler of Dunes Bastet, Ruler of Dunes 60s Self only Self only
Tiona Hiryute Tiona Hiryute 50s Self only N/A
[GS] Tiona Hiryute [GS] Tiona Hiryute 60s Self only Self only
Lisanna Strauss Lisanna Strauss 50s Self only N/A
[Take Over] Lisanna Strauss [Take Over] Lisanna Strauss 60s Self only All Allies
Galland Galland 50s All Allies N/A
[Ten Commandments] Galland [Ten Commandments] Galland 60s All Allies All Allies
Gremory Gremory 50s All Allies N/A
Gremory, Bactrian Lady Gremory, Bactrian Lady 60s All Allies All Allies
Sphinx Sphinx 50s All Allies N/A
[Eternal Mystery] Sphinx [Eternal Mystery] Sphinx 60s All Allies All Allies
Feline Kagamine Len Feline Kagamine Len 50s Self only N/A
[Ameowzing] Feline Kagamine Len [Ameowzing] Feline Kagamine Len 60s Self only All Allies
[Doctor] Andromeda [Doctor] Andromeda 50s All Allies N/A
[Sexy Doctor] Andromeda [Sexy Doctor] Andromeda 60s All Allies All Allies
Eva-02 Beast Mode Eva-02 Beast Mode 40s Self only N/A
Eva-02 Beast Mode II Eva-02 Beast Mode II 50s Self only Self only
[New Resolve] Mari [New Resolve] Mari 50s All Allies N/A
[Combat Mode] Mari [Combat Mode] Mari 60s All Allies All Allies
Asuka x Unit-02 Asuka x Unit-02 50s All Allies N/A
[Combat Mode] Asuka x Unit-02 [Combat Mode] Asuka x Unit-02 60s All Allies All Allies
殺生丸 殺生丸 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
[矜持]殺生丸 [矜持]殺生丸 60s Self only N/A JPUL only
とら とら 50s Self only N/A JPUL only
[大妖怪]とら [大妖怪]とら 60s Self only Self only JPUL only

Through Kismet[]

Monster Gear with Kismet can only apply MATK Increase Buff on targets with MATK Reduction Debuff.
MATK Increase Amount and Duration in this Status Buff are Dependent.

Name Target Notes
Max UP
Mortal Sin Donera Mortal Sin Donera All Allies N/A
Mortal Sin of Wrath Donera Mortal Sin of Wrath Donera All Allies All Allies
Martin Martin All Allies N/A
[Brave Extinguisher] Martin [Brave Extinguisher] Martin All Allies All Allies
Ninetail Fox Megumin Ninetail Fox Megumin All Allies N/A
[Pyromaiden] Ninetail Fox Megumin [Pyromaiden] Ninetail Fox Megumin All Allies All Allies
Nurarihyon, Evasive Ghost Nurarihyon, Evasive Ghost All Allies All Allies
[Tragedy] Juliet [Tragedy] Juliet All Allies N/A
[Lovestruck] Juliet [Lovestruck] Juliet All Allies All Allies
[With Friends] Cinderella [With Friends] Cinderella All Allies N/A
[Glory and Envy] Cinderella [Glory and Envy] Cinderella All Allies All Allies
[Jellyfish Songstress] Siren [Jellyfish Songstress] Siren All Allies N/A
Triton, Sea Goddess Triton, Sea Goddess All Allies N/A
Triton, Ocean Guardian Triton, Ocean Guardian All Allies All Allies
Atui Atui All Allies N/A
[Possessed Maiden] Atui [Possessed Maiden] Atui All Allies N/A
Chu Chu All Allies N/A
[Demon Alchemist] Chu [Demon Alchemist] Chu All Allies All Allies
Aegis Aegis All Allies N/A
[Armor of Aqua] Aegis [Armor of Aqua] Aegis All Allies All Allies
[CP] Lucy [CP] Lucy All Allies N/A
[H & P] Lucy [H & P] Lucy All Allies All Allies
Shingen Shingen All Allies N/A
Shingen, Water Commander Shingen, Water Commander All Allies All Allies
[Young Soul] Tyr [Young Soul] Tyr All Allies N/A
[Children's Day] Tyr [Children's Day] Tyr All Allies All Allies
Ranga & Rimuru Ranga & Rimuru All Allies N/A
[Staunch Duo] Ranga & Rimuru [Staunch Duo] Ranga & Rimuru All Allies All Allies
Wendy Marvell Wendy Marvell All Allies N/A
[SM] Wendy Marvell [SM] Wendy Marvell All Allies N/A
[Eternal Love] Ban & Elaine [Eternal Love] Ban & Elaine N/A All Allies
Anemoi Anemoi All Allies N/A
Anemoi, Goddess of the Wind Anemoi, Goddess of the Wind All Allies All Allies
Nezha, God of Infinite Changes Nezha, God of Infinite Changes All Allies N/A
Yuria Yuria All Allies N/A
Yuria, Bride of Dawn Yuria, Bride of Dawn All Allies All Allies
[Affinity] Lightness Yuria [Affinity] Lightness Yuria All Allies N/A Heals before casting Kismet
[Party Trick] Maid Aqua [Party Trick] Maid Aqua N/A All Allies Global UL only
Goddess Eris Goddess Eris All Allies N/A Global UL only
[Goddess of Fortune] Eris [Goddess of Fortune] Eris All Allies All Allies Global UL only
Hestia Hestia All Allies N/A Heals before casting Kismet
[Chief God] Hestia [Chief God] Hestia All Allies N/A Heals before casting Kismet
Detective Holmes Detective Holmes All Allies N/A
Holmes, Promising Successor Holmes, Promising Successor All Allies All Allies
Elric Brothers Elric Brothers All Allies N/A
[Brotherly Bond] Ed & Al [Brotherly Bond] Ed & Al All Allies All Allies
Lady Diritas Lady Diritas All Allies N/A
[Gambler] Lady Diritas [Gambler] Lady Diritas All Allies All Allies
Charlotte Charlotte All Allies N/A
[Demonic Eye] Charlotte [Demonic Eye] Charlotte All Allies All Allies
[Sierra Goddess] Palvyti [Sierra Goddess] Palvyti N/A All Allies
Scepter Wielder Vermis Scepter Wielder Vermis All Allies N/A
Scepter Master Vermis Scepter Master Vermis All Allies All Allies
Noir Noir All Allies N/A
[Pure Thoughts] Noir [Pure Thoughts] Noir All Allies N/A
[Vengeance] Scar [Vengeance] Scar N/A All Allies
リーザ リーザ All Allies N/A JPUL only
[ログレス王国騎士団]リーザ [ログレス王国騎士団]リーザ All Allies All Allies JPUL only
怪盗キッド 怪盗キッド All Allies N/A JPUL only
[芸術的犯行]怪盗キッド [芸術的犯行]怪盗キッド All Allies N/A JPUL only

Through Rage[]

Through the Rage Status Effect, it is not a [Demerit] Effect, as the MATK Increase included in it targets an ally target. It is noted as a [Demerit] Effect due to the other Effects included in the Status Effect.

MATK Increase Amount included in this Status Effect is at 100%.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Zeus Zeus 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[King of the Gods] Zeus [King of the Gods] Zeus 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
ディーヴァ ディーヴァ 50s Self only N/A [Demerit],
Currently JPUL only
[仮面の歌い手]ディーヴァ [仮面の歌い手]ディーヴァ 60s Self only N/A [Demerit],
Currently JPUL only
[Ten Commandments] Meliodas [Assault] [Ten Commandments] Meliodas [Assault] 50s N/A Self only [Demerit]
Shiva Shiva 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[God of Destruction] Shiva [God of Destruction] Shiva 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Stigma] Meliodas & Elizabeth [Stigma] Meliodas & Elizabeth 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[3000 Years Ago] Meliodas & Elizabeth [3000 Years Ago] Meliodas & Elizabeth 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]

All items (532)
