Unison League Wiki

A category page for Monster Gear with Nullify Unison Gauge Reduction in Unison League.

Monster Gear with Nullify Unison Gauge Reduction[]

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Tiamat Tiamat 50s All Allies N/A
[Goddess of Origin] Tiamat [Goddess of Origin] Tiamat 60s All Allies All Allies
Mortal Sin Belvia Mortal Sin Belvia 50s All Allies N/A
Mortal Sin of Sloth Belvia Mortal Sin of Sloth Belvia 60s All Allies All Allies

Through Blessing[]

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Mikaela Mikaela 50s Self only N/A
Archangel Mikaela Archangel Mikaela 60s Self only Self only
Prometheus Prometheus 50s Self only N/A
Prometheus, Wielder of Flaming Fist Prometheus, Wielder of Flaming Fist 60s Self only Self only
Hephaestus Hephaestus 50s Self only N/A
[Blacksmith's Treasure] Hephaestus [Blacksmith's Treasure] Hephaestus 60s Self only Self only
Fran Fran 60s Self only N/A Burst Skill
[Crimson Enforcer] Fran [Crimson Enforcer] Fran 60s Self only N/A Burst Skill
Suthiara Suthiara 50s Self only N/A
[Mist-born Goddess] Suthiara [Mist-born Goddess] Suthiara 60s Self only Self only
Yatagarasu Yatagarasu 50s Self only N/A
[Sun Guide] Yatagarasu [Sun Guide] Yatagarasu 60s Self only N/A
[Celestial] Airi [Celestial] Airi 50s N/A Self only
Robin Hood Robin Hood 50s Self only N/A
[Heroic Outlaw] Robin Hood [Heroic Outlaw] Robin Hood 60s Self only Self only
[Full Bloom] Kenshin [Full Bloom] Kenshin 50s Self only N/A
[Midsummer's Advent] Kenshin [Midsummer's Advent] Kenshin 60s Self only Self only
Cecilia Cecilia 50s Self only N/A
[The Adjudicator] Cecilia [The Adjudicator] Cecilia 60s Self only Self only
Alana Alana 50s Self only N/A
[Will-o'-Wisp Hunter] Alana [Will-o'-Wisp Hunter] Alana 60s Self only Self only
[Great Spirit Blessing] Rei [Great Spirit Blessing] Rei 60s Self only N/A
[Ahura Mazda x Unit-00] Rei [Ahura Mazda x Unit-00] Rei 60s Self only Self only
Maria Maria 50s Self only N/A
[Yuletide Goddess] Maria [Yuletide Goddess] Maria 60s Self only Self only
[Loved One] Ban and Elaine [Loved One] Ban and Elaine 50s Self only N/A
[Fairy Wings] Ban and Elaine [Fairy Wings] Ban and Elaine 60s Self only Self only
Goddess Eris Goddess Eris 50s Self only N/A Global UL only
[Goddess of Fortune] Eris [Goddess of Fortune] Eris 60s Self only Self only Global UL only
Garo Garo 50s Self only N/A
[Shadow Dancer] Garo [Shadow Dancer] Garo 60s Self only Self only
[影に舞うユスラウメ]牙櫻 -ULC2019ver- [影に舞うユスラウメ]牙櫻 -ULC2019ver- 60s Self only Self only Currently JPUL only
Moriarty Moriarty 50s Self only N/A
[Fickle Scholar] Moriarty [Fickle Scholar] Moriarty 60s Self only Self only
[Witch] Rei [Witch] Rei 50s Self only N/A
[Ghost] Rei [Ghost] Rei 60s Self only Self only
Floria Floria 50s Self only N/A
[Fluttering Butterfly] Floria [Fluttering Butterfly] Floria 60s Self only N/A
Goddess Clan Revere Goddess Clan Revere 50s Self only N/A
[Atonement] Goddess Clan Revere [Atonement] Goddess Clan Revere 60s Self only Self only
Kumbhira Kumbhira 50s Self only N/A
Kumbhira, Heavenly General Kumbhira, Heavenly General 60s Self only Self only
Arlesia Arlesia 50s Self only N/A
[Binary Star] Arlesia [Binary Star] Arlesia 60s Self only Self only
White Tequila White Tequila 50s Self only N/A
White Rabbit of Love, Tequila White Rabbit of Love, Tequila 60s Self only Self only
Amadeus Amadeus 50s Self only N/A
Amadeus, Stellar Performer Amadeus, Stellar Performer 60s Self only Self only
Milim Nava Milim Nava 50s Self only N/A
[Destroyer] Milim Nava [Destroyer] Milim Nava 60s Self only Self only
Urd & Verdandi Urd & Verdandi 50s Self only N/A
[Bountiful Destiny] Urd & Verdandi [Bountiful Destiny] Urd & Verdandi 60s Self only N/A
Valkyrie Aster Valkyrie Aster 90s Self only N/A
Star Guide Valkyrie Star Guide Valkyrie 120s Self only Self only
[Little Match Girl] Holmes [Little Match Girl] Holmes 40s Self only N/A
[Happy Match Girl] Holmes [Happy Match Girl] Holmes 60s Self only Self only
[Stigma] Meliodas & Elizabeth [Stigma] Meliodas & Elizabeth 50s Self only N/A
[3000 Years Ago] Meliodas & Elizabeth [3000 Years Ago] Meliodas & Elizabeth 60s Self only Self only
エイル エイル 50s Self only N/A JPUL only
[ヴァルキリー]エイル [ヴァルキリー]エイル 60s Self only Self only JPUL only

Through Dawn[]

Through the Dawn Status Effect, it is not a [Demerit] Effect, as the Nullify Unison Gauge Reduction included in it targets an ally target. It is noted as a [Demerit] Effect due to the other Effects included in the Status Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Melt Melt 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Spring Flower Bud] Melt [Spring Flower Bud] Melt 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Rosenkreutz Rosenkreutz 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Rose Knight] Rosenkreutz [Rose Knight] Rosenkreutz 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]

Through Hero[]

Through the Hero Status Effect, it is not a [Demerit] Effect, as the Nullify Unison Gauge Reduction included in it targets an ally target. It is noted as a [Demerit] Effect due to the other Effects included in the Status Effect.

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Siegfried Siegfried 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Siegfried, Heroic Dragon Tamer Siegfried, Heroic Dragon Tamer 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Lancer Founder] Bistiega [Lancer Founder] Bistiega 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Karasu Karasu 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Quest Class] Karasu [Quest Class] Karasu 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Percival Percival 40s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Inferno Princess] Percival [Inferno Princess] Percival 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Suzaku Suzaku 30s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Five Sacred Beasts] Suzaku [Five Sacred Beasts] Suzaku 40s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Alexander Alexander 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Conqueror] Alexander the Great [Conqueror] Alexander the Great 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Atui Atui 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Possessed Maiden] Atui [Possessed Maiden] Atui 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Mani Mani 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Ruler of the Moon] Mani [Ruler of the Moon] Mani 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Warrior in the Mist] Shion [Warrior in the Mist] Shion 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Mist-Shrouded Warrior] Shion [Mist-Shrouded Warrior] Shion 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Soldier Founder] Odinia [Soldier Founder] Odinia 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Urameshi Yusuke Urameshi Yusuke 50s Self only N/A [Demerit], Global UL only
[Spirit Wave Successor] Yusuke [Spirit Wave Successor] Yusuke 60s Self only Self only [Demerit], Global UL only
[Young Soul] Teach & Wolf [Young Soul] Teach & Wolf 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Children's Day] Teach & Wolf [Children's Day] Teach & Wolf 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Young Soul] Tyr [Young Soul] Tyr 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Children's Day] Tyr [Children's Day] Tyr 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Ariel Ariel 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Archangel Ariel Archangel Ariel 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Ranga & Rimuru Ranga & Rimuru 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Staunch Duo] Ranga & Rimuru [Staunch Duo] Ranga & Rimuru 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Archer Founder] Sirda [Archer Founder] Sirda 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[The Ten Commandments] Gloxinia [The Ten Commandments] Gloxinia 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Gloxinia the Repose Gloxinia the Repose 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Lancelot Lancelot 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Knight of the Lake] Lancelot [Knight of the Lake] Lancelot 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Titania Titania 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Spirit Queen] Titania [Spirit Queen] Titania 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Cleric Founder] Anjyu [Cleric Founder] Anjyu 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Mew Mew 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Gates of the Underworld] Mew [Gates of the Underworld] Mew 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Charlotte Charlotte 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Demonic Eye] Charlotte [Demonic Eye] Charlotte 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Palvyti Palvyti 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Sierra Goddess] Palvyti [Sierra Goddess] Palvyti 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Mage Founder] Oyul [Mage Founder] Oyul 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Odin Odin 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Odin, God of Gods Odin, God of Gods 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Young Soul] Yashamaru [Young Soul] Yashamaru 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Children's Day] Yashamaru [Children's Day] Yashamaru 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Heimdall Heimdall 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Silver-Armored Guard] Heimdall [Silver-Armored Guard] Heimdall 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
[Young Heart] Mitsunari [Young Heart] Mitsunari 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Children's Day] Mitsunari [Children's Day] Mitsunari 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Genkai Genkai 60s Self only N/A [Demerit], Global UL only
[Spirit Master] Genkai [Spirit Master] Genkai 60s Self only Self only [Demerit], Global UL only
Moses Moses 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Bellwether] Moses [Bellwether] Moses 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Laevateinn Laevateinn 50s Self only N/A [Demerit]
[Goddess of Victory] Laevateinn [Goddess of Victory] Laevateinn 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
Ieyasu Ieyasu 60s Self only N/A [Demerit]
Ieyasu, Tosho Daigongen Ieyasu, Tosho Daigongen 60s Self only Self only [Demerit]
リーザ リーザ 50s Self only N/A [Demerit], JPUL only
[ログレス王国騎士団]リーザ [ログレス王国騎士団]リーザ 60s Self only Self only [Demerit], JPUL only

Through Reliance[]

Nullify Unison Gauge Reduction Amount included in this Status Buff is at 1 time.

Name Target Notes
Max UP
Benimaru Benimaru All Allies N/A
[Samurai General] Benimaru [Samurai General] Benimaru All Allies All Allies
Ninetail Fox Megumin Ninetail Fox Megumin All Allies N/A Global UL only
[Pyromaiden] Ninetail Fox Megumin [Pyromaiden] Ninetail Fox Megumin All Allies All Allies Global UL only
Kazuma Kazuma All Allies N/A Global UL only
[Adventurer] Kazuma [Adventurer] Kazuma All Allies All Allies Global UL only
Maria Maria All Allies N/A
[Yuletide Goddess] Maria [Yuletide Goddess] Maria All Allies All Allies
Noah Noah All Allies N/A
[The Chosen One] Noah [The Chosen One] Noah All Allies All Allies
[Aurora Costume] Hatsune Miku [Aurora Costume] Hatsune Miku N/A All Allies
リーザ リーザ All Allies N/A JPUL only
[ログレス王国騎士団]リーザ [ログレス王国騎士団]リーザ All Allies All Allies JPUL only

Through Twilight[]

Name Duration Target Notes
Max UP
Siamaris Siamaris 50s Self only N/A
[Mystical Blue] Siamaris [Mystical Blue] Siamaris 60s Self only Self only
[Demon Clan] Cecilia [Demon Clan] Cecilia 50s Self only N/A
[Executor] Demon Clan Cecilia [Executor] Demon Clan Cecilia 60s Self only Self only

All items (196)
