This page contains guides and tips for the Cleric class in Unison League.
Page Guides
User blog Guides
Users can add their guides here by creating a blog post and adding "Cleric Guides" ([[Category:Cleric Guides]]) as a category. This will allow their guides to be included below.
Note: Guides with inappropriate/hateful content, incorrect category, may subject to the deletion of their guide.
Cleric User blog Guides
Skill-set for Guild Battle for Clerics
Now clerics have the main role of... you guessed it... healing but that doesn't mean you can't prot…
Skill set for Questing for Clerics
As a cleric, your sole duty is to keep others alive. You are selfless and the control tower for sup…
The Third Path: Bishop
Third path: Bishop
Judgment: Cooldown [25 seconds] - Cost [18] --- Ability Power 70. Damages 1 enem…
The Second Path: Priest
Second path: Priest
Heaven's Judgment: Cooldown [7 seconds] - Cost [10] --- Ability Power 100. dama…
The First Path: Cleric
First path: Cleric
Mend: Cooldown [10 seconds] - Cost [7] --- Heals all allies for 5% of their maxi…
Clerics - aka "the life of a party" - are vital to any battle. They can be a secondary tank or a gr…
External Link Guides
These guides are from various Unison League communities outside the Unison League Wikia.