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Unison League Wiki

Each Gear piece has its corresponding Gear Type in the game. Specific Gear Types are able to benefit from certain Class Traits once equipped by the player.

Gear Types[]

Weapon Gear Types[]

Weapon Gear has ten types: Sword Sword, Axe Axe, Lance Lance, Scythe Scythe, Bow Bow, Gun Gun, Staff Staff, Charm [1], Book Book, and Relic Relic Type Weapon Gear.

Sword Sword and Axe Axe Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Soldier Soldiers, as some of their Class Traits amplify certain Abilities and boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Swords and Axes tend to lean towards ATK more than MATK. For the Extra Classes, Swords are the ideal equipment for Rook Rooks, while Axes are the ideal equipment for Berserker Berserkers.

Lance Lance and Scythe Scythe Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Lancer Lancers, as some of their Class Traits amplify certain Abilities and boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Lances and Scythes have the most ATK while having little MATK among other Weapon Types. For the Extra Classes, Lances are the ideal equipment for Treasure Hunter Treasure Hunters, while Scythes are the ideal equipment for Berserker Berserkers.

Bow Bow and Gun Gun Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Archer Archers, as some of their Class Traits amplify certain Abilities and boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Most Bows and Guns have a balance between ATK and MATK. For the Extra Classes, Bows are the ideal equipment for Treasure Hunter Treasure Hunters, while Guns are the ideal equipment for Berserker Berserkers.

Staff Staff and Charm Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Mage Mages, as some of their Class Traits amplify certain Abilities and boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Staves have the most MATK while having little ATK among other Weapon Types. For the Extra Classes, Staves are the ideal equipment for Berserker Berserkers and Treasure Hunter Treasure Hunters.

Book Book and Relic Relic Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Cleric Clerics, as some of their Class Traits amplify certain Abilities and boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Books and Relics tend to lean towards MATK more than ATK. For the Extra Classes, Books are the ideal equipment for Rook Rooks, while Relics are the ideal equipment for Berserker Berserkers.

For a list of these types of Gear, see also:

Head Gear Types[]

Head Gear has two types: Helm Helm and Hat Hat Type Head Gear.

Helm Helm or Helmet Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Soldier Soldiers, Lancer Lancers, Rook Rooks, and Berserker Berserkers, as some of their Class Traits boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Helms tend to boost more DEF than MDEF.

Hat Hat Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Archer Archers, Mage Mages, Cleric Clerics, Rook Rooks, and Treasure Hunter Treasure Hunters, as some of their Class Traits boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Hats tend to boost more MDEF than DEF.

For a list of these types of Gear, see also:

Body Gear Types[]

Body Gear has two types: Armor Armor and Clothing Clothing Type Body Gear.

Armor Armor Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Soldier Soldiers, Lancer Lancers, Rook Rooks, and Berserker Berserkers, as some of their Class Traits boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Armor tend to boost more DEF than MDEF.

Clothing Clothing Type Gear are the ideal equipment for Archer Archers, Mage Mages, Cleric Clerics, Rook Rooks, and Treasure Hunter Treasure Hunters, as some of their Class Traits boost the stats for this Type of Gear. Clothing tend to boost more MDEF than DEF.

For a list of these types of Gear, see also:

Monster Gear Types[]

Monster Gear has five types: Monster Monster, Character Character, Car Car, Witch Witch, and Witch's Underling Witch's Underling Type Monster Gear.

For a list of these types of Gear, see also:


  • Although mentioned in some Mage Class Traits, there are currently no available Charm Type Gear in the game.
  • Some Head and Body Type Gear are balanced in DEF and MDEF stats rather than specifically boosting one stat or the other. Examples of these are Tech Marine Helm E Tech Marine Helm E.VI and Kabukimono Robes Kabukimono Robes.
  • Witch Witch and Witch's Underling Witch's Underling Type Monster Gear are based on Puella Magi Madoka Magica.