Unison League Wiki
Unison League Wiki

Status Debuffs are special effects that create a lingering, temporary change to the affected target's stats. Debuffs refer to negative changes. Status Debuffs can almost always stack for increased power, meaning having multiple players attempt to stack a single effect may prove to make a major difference. Some Status Debuffs can only be found on specific Monsters. Most Status Debuffs are afflicted by various player or enemy monster abilities. All Status Debuffs are removed upon the completion of Quests and Battles.

All Status Debuffs Contents:
1. Status Debuffs Contents: 2. Special Status Debuffs Contents:
   1.1. Stat Reduction
   1.2. Status Ailment Resistance Reduction
   1.3. Critical Hit Chance Reduction
   1.4. Ability Power Reduction
   1.5. Increases Ability Power Received
   2.1. Critical Hit Damage Reduction
   2.2. Break
   2.3. Ability Cost Reduction
   2.4. Cost Recovery Speed Reduction
   2.5. Unison Gauge Reduction
   2.6. Unison Gauge Gain Reduction
   2.7. Action Speed Reduction
   2.8. Cooldown Time Increase
   2.9. Cost Consumption Increase
   2.10. Jealousy
3. Related Contents:
3.1. Status Debuff-Removing Effects
3.2. External Links

Status Debuffs[]

Status Debuffs[]

All regular Status Debuffs can be removed by Status Debuff Removal. [1]

Stat Reduction[]

Stat Reduction are Status Debuffs that will have the stat values of the target reduced.

For a list of Stat Reduction Debuffs and more information about them, see:

Status Ailment Resistance Reduction[]

Battle-Status Ailment Resistance Reduction Right Icon

Status Ailment Resistance Reduction is a Status Debuff that decreases the target's likelihood to resist status ailments once applied.

For more information about this Status Debuff, see:

Critical Hit Chance Reduction[]

Battle-Critical Hit Chance Reduction Right Icon

Critical Hit Chance Reduction is a Status Debuff that decreases the target's chance to land a critical hit with their attacks.

For more information about this Status Debuff, see:

Ability Power Reduction[]

Ability Power Reduction are Status Debuffs that will have the Ability Power values of the target reduced.

For a list of Ability Power Reduction Debuffs and more information about them, see:

Increases Ability Power Received[]

Increases Ability Power Received are Status Debuffs that increase the Ability Power of Abilities used on the target.

For a list of Increases Ability Power Received debuffs and more information about them, see:

Special Status Debuffs[]

Special Status Debuffs cannot be removed by Status Debuff Removal, but can be removed by Special Status Debuff Removal. Some Special Debuffs can also be reversed by Kismet.

Critical Hit Damage Reduction[]

Battle-Critical Hit Damage Reduction Right Icon

Critical Hit Damage Reduction is a Special Status Debuff that decreases the target's Critical Hit Damage Ability Power.

For more information about this Special Status Debuff, see:


Battle Effects Name Max Stack/s
Battle-Break 001 Effect Break MAX CHAIN!!

Occurs when target receives a certain amount of damage, a hidden value based on the amount of Break Counters given from an attack. Many Lancer Abilities have bonus to Break infliction, which is further boosted by Gear Skills like Heart of the Spear, Heart of the Sting, Enforcer Testament (works for all attacks, not just the Stings), and etc.

Attacks on the inflicted target deal damage to the target with 80% DEF and MDEF penetration for monsters (as if the monster had 20% of its DEF and MDEF stats), and 20% penetration for players, stacking with other debuffs. [2] Consecutive attacks to the inflicted target causes a chain, refilling Unison gauges faster (up to 13% Unison fill at Max Chain). Only one target from each side can have this debuff at a time.

Break has a chain limit of 10, but can be extended to 20 through Gluttony Spear Gluttony Spear.

Additional Notes:

  • Cannot be removed by Status Debuff Removal.
  • Unlike other skills, if the first hit of Double Sting Double Sting causes Break, then the Break Chain instantly starts at "2 CHAIN!!". On the other hand, if Cross Assault Cross Assault, another Lancer double-hit skill, activates Enforcer Testament, the Break Chain progresses from "Chain Start!" to "1 CHAIN!!".
  • The following are a list of Abilities with Break:
Name Class Break Amount Target Notes
Max With
Any no Break Bonus
attack Ability with
less than 100 AP
All 1 [3] N/A Various
Any no Break Bonus
attack Ability with
100-199 AP
(Includes Gear Skill procs)
Any 2 [3] N/A Various
Any no Break Bonus
attack Ability with
200 or more AP
(Includes Gear Skill procs)
All 3 [3] N/A Various
Any no Break Bonus
Lancer attack Ability with
Enforcer Testament x1
Lancer only 40 [3] N/A Various
Any no Break Bonus
Lancer attack Ability with
Enforcer Testament x2
Lancer only 80 [3] N/A Various
Any no Break Bonus
Lancer or Treasure Hunter
attack Ability with
Executor's Pride x1
Lancer Treasure Hunter only (?) N/A Various
Any no Break Bonus
Lancer or Treasure Hunter
attack Ability with
Executor's Pride x2
Lancer Treasure Hunter only (?) N/A Various
Pierce Pierce Lancer 5 N/A One Enemy
Sting Sting Lancer 10 15 One Enemy
Savage Sting Savage Sting Lancer 10 15 One Enemy
Break Thrust Break Thrust Lancer only 10 N/A One Enemy
Double Sting Double Sting Lancer only 30 40 One Enemy
Severe Sting Severe Sting Lancer only 40 N/A One Enemy
Quick Raid Quick Raid Lancer only 40 N/A One Enemy
Volcanic Nova Volcanic Nova Lancer only 0 40 One Enemy
Break Attack Break Attack Lancer only 5 [3] N/A One Enemy Gear Ability Icon Special Ability
Breaking Assault Breaking Assault Lancer only 20 N/A One Enemy Gear Ability Icon Special Ability
Dragon Claw Dragon Claw Lancer only 0 30 One Enemy Tower of Judgment
Execution Spear Execution Spear Lancer only 40 N/A One Enemy Tower of Judgment
Gluttony Spear Gluttony Spear Lancer only 30 N/A One Enemy Gear Awakening
Lunatic Dagger Lunatic Dagger Treasure Hunter only 30 40 One Enemy

Ability Cost Reduction[]

Ability Cost Reduction is a Special Status Debuff that decreases the target's Ability Cost once applied.

For more information about this Special Status Debuff, see:

Cost Recovery Speed Reduction[]

Cost Recovery Speed Reduction is a Special Status Debuff that decreases the target's rate of Ability Cost recovery.

For more information about this Special Status Debuff, see:

Unison Gauge Reduction[]

Unison Gauge Reduction is a Special Status Debuff that decreases the target's Unison Gauge once applied.

For more information about this Special Status Debuff, see:

Unison Gauge Gain Reduction[]

Name Max Stack/s
Unison Gauge Gain Reduction 5 [4]
Battle Effects
File:Battle-Unison Gauge Gain Reduction Effect.png

Targets with this debuff will have the rate of their Unison gauge gain reduced. The amount of Unison gauge will be displayed in blue for the duration of the buff.

For a list of Monster Gear Skills that has Unison Gauge Gain Reduction, see:

Additional Notes:

Name Class Amount Duration Target Notes
Max With
Riot Break Riot Break Lancer only 1 N/A 20s One Enemy
Lion Formation Lion Formation Lancer only 2 N/A 5s All Enemies
Death Sentence Death Sentence Berserker only 2 N/A 5s One Enemy
Death Sentence Death Sentence Berserker only 2 N/A 5s Self only [Demerit]
Treasure Hunt Treasure Hunt Treasure Hunter only 1 1 30s One Enemy PC

Action Speed Reduction[]

Battle-Action Speed Reduction Right Icon

Action Speed Reduction is a Special Status Debuff that decreases the target's speed of performing actions. This debuff only works on CPU targets.

For more information about this Special Status Debuff, see:

Cooldown Time Increase[]

Name Max Stack/s
Cooldown Time Increase (?)
Battle Effects

Targets with this buff will have their cooldown times on certain Abilities increased by a set percentage. Cooldown times increased will be rounded up to the nearest whole number. The cooldown time for the affected Ability will be displayed in purple.

For a list of Monster Gear Skills that has Cooldown Time Increase, see:

Additional Notes:

Cost Consumption Increase[]

Name Max Stack/s
Cost Consumption Increase (?)

Targets with this debuff will have the Cost consumption of their Abilities increased. The Cost for the affected Ability will be displayed in purple.

Additional Notes:


Name Max Stack/s
Jealousy /
Jealousy State
Official Help Page (Japanese UL)

Targets with this debuff will nullify Unison Gauge Increase from Cheer Cheer, Charisma Charisma, and Unison effects, before they are even applied to them. Jealousy can nullify only 1 time, and this effect cannot stack by itself.

For a list of Monster Gear Skills that has Jealousy, see:

Additional Notes:

Name Class Target Notes
Lion Formation Lion Formation Lancer Lancer only All Enemies


Name Max Stack/s
Karma 1
Official Help Page

Targets affected by Karma will remove buffs that can be removed by Status Buff Removal, takes their stacks and remaining duration, and converts them into their corresponding debuff counterparts.

For a list of Monster Gear Skills that has Karma, see:

Additional Notes:

  • As it is applied instantaneously onto targets, it cannot by removed by any Removal Effects, but the buffs that are converted into debuffs can be removed by regular Status Debuff-Removing Effects.
  • Can be nullified by Nullify Karma.
  • Does the opposite of Kismet.
  • Any Status Buffs with stacks increased by Limit Break will be converted into their maximum stacks without Limit Break.
Affected Status Buffs Corresponding Status Debuffs
ATK Increase ATK Down
DEF Increase DEF Down
MATK Increase MATK Down
MDEF Increase MDEF Down
Critical Hit Chance Increase Critical Hit Chance Down
Critical Hit Damage Increase Critical Hit Damage Down
Physical Ability Power Increase Physical Damage Down
Magic Ability Power Increase Magic Damage Down
Status Ailment Resistance Increase Status Ailment Resistance Down
  • The following are a list of Abilities with Karma:
Name Class Target Notes
Hanged Man Hanged Man Mage Mage only All Enemies

Nullify Status Buffs[]

Name Max Stack/s
Nullify Status Buffs 1

Targets with this debuff nullify Status Buffs before they are even applied to them.

For a list of Monster Gear Skills that has Nullify Status Buffs, see:

Additional Notes:

Nullify Critical Hit Chance Increase[]

Name Max Stack/s
Nullify Critical Hit Chance Increase 1

Targets with this debuff nullify Critical Hit Chance Increase before they are even applied to them.

For a list of Monster Gear Skills that has Nullify Critical Hit Chance Increase, see:

Additional Notes:

Attack Ability Accuracy Reduction[]

Attack Ability Accuracy Reduction is a Status Effect that reduces the target's success value for their attacking Abilities.

For more information about this Status Effect, see:

Ability Cost Change[]

Name Max Stack/s
Ability Cost Change 100

Targets of this debuff will have their current Ability Cost replaced by a certain amount.

For a list of Monster Gear Skills that has Ability Cost Change, see:

Additional Notes:

Status Debuff Removal Resistance[]

Status Debuff Removal Resistance is a Status Effect that nullifies Status Debuff Removal, Special Status Debuff Removal, and Kismet being applied on the target with this effect.

For more information about this Status Effect, see:

Nullify Status Debuff Removal[]

Nullify Status Debuff Removal is a Status Effect that nullifies Status Debuff Removal being applied on the target with this effect.

For more information about this Status Effect, see:

Nullify Special Status Debuff Removal[]

Nullify Special Status Debuff Removal is a Status Effect that nullifies Special Status Debuff Removal being applied on the target with this effect.

For more information about this Status Effect, see:

Nullify Kismet[]

Nullify Kismet is a Status Effect that nullifies Kismet being applied on the target with this effect.

For more information about this Status Effect, see:

Time Slice[]

Name Max Stack/s
Time Slice (?)

Targets with this debuff will reduce the duration of current advantageous effects applied to them. Advantageous effects include Status Buffs, Special Status Buffs, and Non-removable Buffs.

For a list of Monster Gear Skills that has Time Slice, see:

Additional Notes:

Continuous Status Debuffs[]

Continuous Status Debuffs are various Status Debuffs that activates their effects every certain amount of time for the entire duration of the Debuffs.

For a list of Continuous Status Debuffs and more information about them, see:

Status Debuff-Removing Effects[]

For information about Removing Status Debuffs, see Status Debuff Removal.

External Links[]
