Unison League Wiki
Xenospear of Truth Xenospear of Truth

Gear-Xenospear of Truth Render

Rarity: UR Ultra Rare
Element: None None
Cost: 35
awake: Reforge Gear Icon 001
Type: Lance Lance
Basic: 1
Max: 70
Basic: 3239 861
Max: 11653 3098
With +99: 12148 3593
With +198 and Class/Shared/Sub Traits
Class/Shared/Sub Traits: Soldier Lancer Archer Mage Cleric Rook Berserker Treasure Hunter
ATK ATK 14942 20773 14577 14577 14577 14577 14577 17007
ATK with Pole Up Lv Pole Up Lv.1 15185 N/A 14820 14820 14820 N/A 14820 17250
ATK with both Pole Up Lv Pole Up Lv 15427 N/A 15063 15063 15063 N/A 15063 17493
MATK MATK 4311 4311 4311 4419 4419 4311 4311 5030
With Class/Shared/Sub Traits and Demolition Lance: Extreme:
ATK ATK 17371 23202 17007 17007 17007 17007 17007 19436
ATK with Pole Up Lv Pole Up Lv.1 17614 N/A 17250 17250 17250 N/A 17250 19679
ATK with both Pole Up Lv Pole Up Lv 17857 N/A 17493 17493 17493 N/A 17493 19922
MATK MATK 5030 5030 5030 5137 5137 5030 5030 5748
Element-Elemental Attack Icon Elemental Attack
Fire Water Wind Light Dark Time Star None
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-elemental Weapon Gear provide 0 Elemental Attack for all Elements.


「エーテルの吸収量に対しコアの変質が顕著になってきた。被験者毎の特性がコアにも反映されているように感じる。」魔晶裏研究所 機能材料部門研究レポートより

 Demolition Lance: Extreme

ATK & MATK of lances/scythes +20%

How to Obtain: Gear Awakening
Gear Awakening Path:
Awakened From: Xenospear Xenospear
Awakens Into: Xenospear Exceed Xenospear Exceed
Gold Needed: Gold 60,000 Gold
Gear Awakening Requirements for Xenospear of Truth:

Anima: Spirit Brush Anima: Spirit Brush x1, Benkei, Pure Devotion Benkei, Pure Devotion x1,
Vivi, Sacred Beast Child Vivi, Sacred Beast Child x1, Sun God, Amaterasu Sun God, Amaterasu x1, Zephyrus, Storm Dragon Zephyrus, Storm Dragon x1
Granvia Sword Crest Granvia Sword Crest x120, Mobius Medal Mobius Medal x40,
Colosseum Medal Colosseum Medal x50, Fire Medal Fire Medal x500, Dark Medal Dark Medal x500

Go to: Weapon EncyclopediaUR • Lances and Scythes UR
Menu-Limipedia Button Limipedia Entry (EnglishJapanese)

Notice: Basic and Max stats for Gear in the Unison League Wikia are from the Encyclopedia section of the game, as information from a player's inventory may have different stats from the Class and Shared Traits applied to the Gear. The game's Encyclopedia do not apply these additional stats.

Some Max Infusion stats in the Wikia are calculated from rough estimates. These are marked with a Template until official Max Infusion stats are given in the game.

The Gear pages are best viewed in Desktop mode.
